Have you registered for the Basic Counselling Skills Training Yet?
Don't miss out, upskill yourself with our Basic Counselling Skills Training. This 40 hour interactive course is designed to equip you with counselling knowledge and skills.
The course is suitable for psychology or social work students, teachers, lay counsellors, religious institutions, healthcare professionals,Human Resources professionals and individuals who wants to gain counselling skills for self-growth and development.
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Adolescent Counselling Training
This course focuses on developing specific skills to assist adolescents through what can be a confusing, challenging and emotionally taxing stage of life. It is most relevant to teachers, educators, and lay counsellors working with youth in schools or religious institutions.
Gain knowledge and skills to support adolescents through this stage of development; and explore critical issues including: peer groups, depression, self-mutilation and suicide.
Explore Counselling methods and relevant theories applicable to working with adolescents.
This course provides counsellors with knowledge and skills to work with clients who need anger management.
A theoretical and practical understanding of working with clients who need anger management;
Understand limitations and when to refer;
Insight into and how to recognise triggers, signs of anger and how to manage anger using stress management skills and calming techniques
Gain an understanding of Emotional Intelligence;
Explore strategies for managing difficult situations pertaining to anger through psycho-education role plays;
Understand anger and the physical effects on the body including the biological stress response
Anger Management
Basic Counselling
Skills Training
This course focuses on developing basic practical and theoretical knowledge of counselling skills; it is based on Egan’s Counselling Model.
This includes: Self-awareness, individual and family development through the life cycle, communication and conflict, problem management, marriage, divorce, single parenting, remarriage and bereavement.
Acquire the knowledge of concepts and skills required for basic support counselling;
Acquire a basic knowledge of human and family development, healthy family life, marriage, divorce, step-families, loss, grief and referral skills;
Acquire a deeper understanding of one’s self
This course focuses on theoretical and practical skills for couple counselling, including: theories on relationships, relationship breakdowns, intervention strategies and specific skills for use when working with couples.
Understand some of the major theoretical concepts underpinning marriage counselling, drawing on various theoretical paradigms;
Acquire knowledge of couple counselling techniques based on a number of theories through didactic input and experiential learning processes e.g. interactive group discussions and role plays.
Couple Counselling
Skills Training
Grief Counselling
The grief counselling training focuses on learning to understand one’s own experience of loss, the stages and process of mourning, and the role of the counsellor in enabling clients to work through the grief and mourning process.
Understand the critical aspects of grief and the grieving process including types of loss; symptoms of grief; tasks of mourning; determinants of grief; impact of a sudden loss; secondary loss issues; phases of grief; the stages
children go through when grieving, childhood developmental stages in relation to grief and supporting the bereaved child; guidelines and various theories of grief counselling; the importance of rituals in grieving.
Acquire self-awareness in relation to grief.
Gain insight into cultural diversity and bereavement norms
This internationally recognised training is for counsellors and clergy who work with premarital or married couples. Prepare/Enrich offers counsellors tools that facilitate the couple’s awareness of their relationship strengths and growth areas by focusing on 12 aspects of relationships.
Acquire knowledge and skills in the following exercises, which are
also the goals of the 4-session programme:
Explore strength and growth areas; Strengthen communication
Identify and manage major stressors
Resolve conflict using the Ten Step Model
Develop a more balanced relationship; Explore family of origin
Discuss financial planning and budgeting
Establish personal, couple and family goals
Prepare & Enrich
Marriage Prep &
Enrichment Training
Trauma Containment
We use a combined model which assists the traumatised person to contain and master a specific event to minimise contamination of their entire lives. A specific training course is offered to Human Resource personnel in the industry, which focuses on defusing the initial trauma. The course covers counselling and communication skills, development of self-awareness and an understanding of trauma and the containment process.
Gain a theoretical and practical understanding of stress and trauma
Enhance trauma counselling and containment skills
We offer various school enrichment programmes called Education for Living.
The goal of the Education for Living Programme is to provide young people with the knowledge to make good choices in their own lives and the skills to create healthy relationships with themselves, their families and their friends.
Through interactive workshops including the use of training tools such as charts, role plays, group discussions and sometimes video footage, we aim to empower young people in the decisions they will have to make both in the present and in the future.